
Pre-service Prayer 9:00 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Sunday Worship 10:30 am

Sunday Night 6:00 pm


Thursday Night 6:30 pm

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids are children’s classes from nursery to 5th grade. These classes are available during each service. The vision of our church includes the discipleship of children to know and walk with God through their own personal relationship with Him. Knowing the Word of God is the foundation of this process.

ARISE Youth Group

ARISE Youth Group is 6th to 12th grade students that meet during our mid-week service. Out youth group teaches the Anointed Revelation In Salvation & Endurance (ARISE). Not only are youth the church of tomorrow, but they are also the church of today. Teaching the Word of God is the foundation of our youth program while having fun in the process.

Directions to Abundant Grace Church

Coming from Cookeville, TN:

From Interstate 40 (Exit 288), travel south on HWY 111 for 12.7 miles. Turn left onto Walker Cove Road (beside Huddle House). Go 0.1 miles and turn right onto W. Charlene Dr. (first street on the right). Go 0.1 miles, turn right onto Crosslin Street. Abundant Grace Church is just ahead.

Coming from Sparta:

On HWY 111/Spencer HWY: From the red light of W. Bockman Way and Spencer HWY (near McDonald’s and Arby’s), go 1 mile north. Turn right onto Walker Cove Road (beside Huddle House). Go 0.1 miles and turn right onto W. Charlene Dr. (first street on the right). Go 0.1 miles, turn right onto Crosslin Street. Abundant Grace Church is just ahead.

Physical address of Abundant Grace Church:

740 Crosslin Street, Sparta, TN 38583